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Clientele Limited. JSE: CLI

Clientel shares

Background of Clientèle

  • The Clientèle Limited Group is a diversified financial services group, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and is one of South Africa’s leading direct distributors of financial service products. Over the past 20 years it has been successful in offering convenient and easy to understand financial services products to the public through various direct marketing and sales distribution channels.

  • The strategy behind Clientèle Life becoming the fastest growing life insurer in South Africa in relative terms, is Clientèle Limited’s business model and its execution. This model has ensured that the Clientèle Life share price continues to enjoy sustained growth and returns on their investments with return on shareholder equity consistently exceeding 50%. Clientèle has also consistently been rated in the top 50 companies for sustainable growth and return on shareholder interests on the JSE.

  • Clientèle is best known for their industry leading: Life, legal, funeral and hospital plans. Clientèle has consistently been rated in the top 50 companies for sustainable growth and return to shareholders on the JSE.

  • Clientèle’s restructuring took place during May 2008 whereby Clientèle Limited became the new JSE holding company of the Clientèle Group. The rationale was to increase the flexibility of the Clientèle Group to introduce complementary product offerings beyond its traditional life assurance products.

Clientèle Shares Growth Driver

  • Clientèle has built an understanding of the needs for financial protection and investment for South Africans from all walks of life. These needs are well provided for in Clientèle‘s comprehensive yet uncomplicated range of products, which include life insurance, dread disease insurance, hospital insurance, investment and legal insurance products. This simplicity, efficiency and convenience extends throughout Clientèle‘s product range and service.

  • IFA, is the network marketing division of Clientèle Life, one of the most trusted and respected names in the South African financial services sector. In July 1998, Clientèle Life identified an opportunity in the insurance industry and introduced a “first of its kind” marketing approach – the IFA Business Opportunity. Through the IFA Business Opportunity South Africans have the opportunity to apply for insurance products that suit their needs and at the same time, have the opportunity to earn additional income by introducing others to the opportunity.

  • The simplicity of the concept means that the IFA Business Opportunity can be taken up by almost any adult South African, regardless of their qualification or work experience. With hard work, tenacity and determination, an IFA can build a promising and sustainable business.

  • The Clientèle board, had on many occasion spoken about sustainability and the general stock trade performance importance of Clientèle. This represents a fundamental value for the Clientèle group, as it is building a group that will grow and add value to all its stakeholders over the long-term.

  • In Clientèle’s view, business is a marathon, not a sprint, and consistency and long-term portfolio and capital growth forecast performance is the main goal. While the economy is tough at present, the Clientèle Group is building a business, which will be positioned to take full advantage of the following winds that a growing economy will gift it when the tide turns

  • During the early part of the 2016 financial year Clientèle concluded a history-writing initial BBBEE transaction in terms of which YTI, a company owned by a broad-based charitable trust, acquired an initial 3,9% interest in Clientèle.

  • This was really, from that time until today, what constitutes the first step in a project started some years ago to evaluate the best and most sustainable way that Clientèle could extend its transformation and empowerment initiatives into the area of share ownership.

  • YTI is associated with the Hollard Group and its objectives resonate with the intentions and objectives of Clientèle. This is in terms of being an agent for change and sustainable benefit to a broad spectrum of previously disadvantaged people – in the most part, young people. Clientèle is supportive of YTI’s intent to increase its shareholding in Clientèle share base over time and by the end of the financial year, YTI had acquired further shares in Clientèle by utilising bridging funding.

  • 2016 marked the eighteenth year that Clientèle had significantly increased profits, and by this extension, dividends more than GDP growth from the year before. A strong claim that the Clientèle board believes it is the only company that can make such a claim to its shareholders, among all the other similar companies listed on the JSE.

  • Clientèle was ranked seventh in the Consumer Long-term Insurance brands in the 2016 Sunday Times brand report. This had the effect of boasting its online or livestock trade. It was also ranked 4th in the Investment and Insurance Industry category of the 2015 Mail & Guardian’s Top Company Reputation Index.

Clientèle Investor Tip

  • Clientèle’s net insurance premiums increased by 13% to R1.7 billion according to data readings. Translating to strong buy sentiments from the markets. This was on the back of the production of good quality business in recent years and higher average premiums on new business, with a consequent diluted headline earnings per share increase of 14% on last year.

  • Clientèle’s net insurance benefits and claims of R325.8 million (2015: R300.5 million) were 8% higher than the previous year. Investment returns of R120.9 million (2015: R154.9 million) were 22% down on last year but were nevertheless better than the return on the ALSI but still had an effect on Clientèle’s share price and share purchase.

  • Headline earnings for the Group increased by 14% to R410.6 million (2015: R360.6 million) which resulted in a return on average shareholders’ interest of 55% (2015: 56%). The higher withdrawals and an increase in reinsurance rates, together with an increase in the RDR, negatively affected its increase in Group EV, which nevertheless increased from R4.6 billion to R5.2 billion.

  • REVE were also impacted and reduced by 9% to R1 billion (2015: R1.1 billion). The VNB was negatively impacted by the increase in the RDR to 12.1% (2015:11.8%) and this, together with the factors referred to above, resulted in a decrease in VNB of 8% to R660.3 million (2015: a record R717.6 million). New business profit margins had declined to 26.5% (2015: 28.9%) not to levels substantial enough, however to encourage shareholders to put up their shares for sale.

Clientèle Major Shareholders

  • Sector


  • Industry


How to buy Clientèle Holdings Shares

  • Clientèle Holdings : How to buy Clientèle Holdings Shares Online

    We have made it simple to buy JSE listed firm shares online. The easiest way to buy Clientèle shares or stocks is to; start by submitting the ‘BUY THIS SHARE’ form. Next, one of our experienced and certified stock brokers will personally get in contact with you to discuss your custom stock request. Finally, a stock advisor will confirm the amount of shares you are looking to invest in Clientèle and assist you with the setup and management of your stock portfolio account.

  • Here are the steps you must follow to Buy / Purchase Clientèle Holdings shares with utmost confidence:

    1. Start by Filling in the BUY THIS SHARE form.
    2. Insert your name, email, telephone number and monthly remuneration.
    3. Then, Indicate the amount you are looking to invest in Clientèle.
    4. Click the “ INVEST NOW” button
    5. Once we have received your info, a dedicated stock advisor will personally call you back to discuss your personal share request.
    6. Lastly, your newly appointed personal stock advisor will handle all account setups and reporting as stipulated by the financial services board of South Africa (FSB)
  • Buy Clientèle Holdings Shares with Confidence

    Buying JSE shares has never been this convenient and easy. #myfirstshare

    View more JSE shares for sale – here.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Clientèle Ltd.?

A diversified Financial Services Group & one of South Africa’s leading direct distributors of financial service products – listed on the JSE (CLI).

Can you buy Clientèle Ltd.  Shares Online?

SA Shares website has made it simple to buy JSE listed firm shares online.

Is Clientèle Ltd.  a good share to buy?

View the Clientèle Ltd. Group Investor Tip here

When did Clientèle Ltd.  list on the JSE?

May 2008

When was Clientèle Ltd.  founded?

23 August 2007

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