Luno Bitcoin Wallet: The Only Guide You Need

Luno Bitcoin Wallet

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A Luno Bitcoin wallet is where you keep your crypto coins but of course, they aren’t real coins but rather private keys that allow you to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain. You use a Bitcoin wallet to buy, sell, and store Bitcoins. South Africans love Bitcoin!


Traders all over the world use the Luno Bitcoin Wallet to buy Bitcoin, XRP, Litecoin & Ethereum in easy-to-follow steps.


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Luno Bitcoin Wallet Guide a Quick Overview

  1. ☑️What is a Bitcoin wallet?
  2. ☑️Which is best? Non-custodial or custodial Bitcoin wallet?
  3. ☑️Which is safer? Non-custodial or custodial Bitcoin wallet?
  4. ☑️What is the difference between hot and cold Bitcoin wallets?
  5. ☑️Different types of Bitcoin wallets – And the Best.
  6. ☑️What is a Bitcoin wallet address?
  7. ☑️Public key versus private key
  8. ☑️How to open a Luno Wallet/Account – Step-by-Step Guide
  9. ☑️How to log into your Luno Bitcoin wallet?
  10. ☑️How to send Bitcoins to another wallet?
  11. ☑️How to receive Bitcoins in your wallet?
  12. ☑️How to get a QR code?
  13. ☑️How to receive Ethereum in a Bitcoin wallet?
  14. ☑️How much does it cost to use a Bitcoin wallet?
  15. ☑️How safe are Bitcoin wallets?


Here is more information to help you understand how Bitcoin wallets work and how you can manage them, so you have greater control over your valuable cryptocurrency.


What is a Bitcoin wallet?

Luno Bitcoin Wallet


A Bitcoin wallet is an electronic program that stores private keys. You need these keys to access the Bitcoin blockchain which is a decentralized ledger for cryptocurrency. You have the choice of a non-custodial or custodial Bitcoin wallet.


Non-custodial Bitcoin wallet

A non-custodial wallet means that the Bitcoin exchange facility does not have “custody” of your Bitcoins, only you do. You get a file with private keys which are secret and need to be written down on paper and stored somewhere safe. This gives you full control of your digital funds which also means you have full responsibility for them.

The wallet software generates a seed phrase that you write down on paper, store in a safe place, and use if, for any reason, you lose the file with your private keys.


Custodial Bitcoin wallet

A custodial wallet stores the private keys for you and provides backup and security for your digital funds. In other words, the wallet or rather the Bitcoin exchange facility keeps control of your digital money. It’s not the most popular choice but it isn’t a bad option for low-value transactions because there are benefits to having a custodial wallet.

If you lose your private keys or the seed phrase and your Bitcoin wallet is ‘lost’; you don’t lose your digital funds because the exchange facility constantly backs up the information. Likewise, with a custodial wallet, you don’t have to worry about losing your Bitcoins if your laptop or Smartphone is stolen or is corrupted by a virus.


🏷️ Feature💡 Details
🌍 Founded2013
🏢 HeadquartersLondon, UK
🌐 Supported CountriesOver 40 countries, including
South Africa,
💰 Supported CryptosBitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP),
Litecoin (LTC),
and more
🔐 SecurityTwo-factor authentication (2FA),
multi-signature wallets,
📱 PlatformsiOS,
💵 FeesLow fees for trading, varying withdrawal fees depending on region
🚀 Key FeaturesEasy-to-use interface, instant buy/sell, cryptocurrency wallet services
🤖 Customer Support24/7 via email,
in-app support,
and help center
📊 Trading TypeBuy/Sell,
Recurring buys
🔒 Security FeaturesOffline cold storage,
advanced encryption,
regulatory compliance


Which is best? Non-custodial or custodial Bitcoin wallet?

Typically, the cryptocurrency world prefers non-custodial wallets because the user has control of their digital funds. There’s no risk of losing your digital funds if the Bitcoin exchange facility goes bankrupt or its system is hacked.

On the other hand, many users don’t want the responsibility of controlling and securing their digital funds and opt for the custodial wallet. They are also more convenient than a non-custodial wallet because they are always connected to the Internet.

Cryptocurrency exchanges offer several added features to persuade customers to use a custodial wallet in the same way traditional banks do to persuade their customers to keep their funds in the banking system.


Benefits of a custodial Bitcoin wallet

Some Bitcoin exchange facilities offer free and instant transactions to custodial wallet holders. Every time you make a digital fund transaction in the blockchain, you pay a processing fee. The more you pay in fees, the faster the transaction is performed. Free transactions are a massive cost saving.

The exchange facility makes a backup of every transaction which is a big help if you make a mistake doing a transaction. For example, you forget to add a memo or destination tag to XMR or you confuse BTC with USDT; and then you don’t receive your digital funds. With a custodial wallet, you have the peace of mind that the transaction information is backed up.


Which is safer? Non-custodial or custodial Bitcoin wallet?

luno bitcoin wallets Which is safer? Non-custodial or custodial Bitcoin wallet?


The biggest challenge a Bitcoin exchange facility faces daily is keeping its wallet software safe and secure. As a security measure, you are given a PIN code, 2FA, transaction limits, and multi-sig confirmation. These facilities are much the same as what you get from a traditional bank to prevent someone from accessing your bank account or using your credit card.

  • pin code protects your bitcoins from hackers stealing your wallet
  • 2FA prevents hackers from accessing your account from another device
  • transaction limits prevent a hacker from withdrawing all your money at once
  • multi-sig confirmation sends a verification message to three registered emails to perform a transaction; funds are only released when there is a positive confirmation from all three addresses


The majority of digital funds are stored in an offline cold wallet which hackers cannot access. This is different from an online hot wallet that is more vulnerable to hacking attacks.


What is the difference between hot and cold Bitcoin wallets?

The main difference is a hot wallet remains connected to the Internet and a cold Bitcoin wallet is kept offline. Thus, your digital funds are more accessible in a hot wallet but staying online makes the private keys stored in your wallet vulnerable to cyber theft.


Hot Bitcoin wallet

A hot wallet is online, meaning it’s connected to the Internet. The functions needed to complete a fund transaction are made from a single online device and the hot wallet generates and stores private keys. Individual transactions are broadcast online across the blockchain network.

A hot wallet is typically used for small, lower-value transactions because it’s always connected to the Internet which makes it more convenient. However, because a hot wallet is extremely vulnerable to cyber hacking, it’s very unwise to keep the bulk of your Bitcoins in a hot wallet. You can keep a limited amount of Bitcoin in a hot wallet and leave the rest stored safely in a cold wallet.


Cold Bitcoin wallet

A cold wallet is also referred to as cold storage. It’s basically a cryptocurrency wallet that is stored on an electronic platform that is not connected to the internet. Thus, it’s not vulnerable to cyber hacks or technical problems with the wallet software system.

When you initiate a fund transaction, it is temporarily transferred to an offline wallet device such as a USB, computer disc, hard drive or even a paper copy. A hacker cannot intercept a fund transaction because the private key never comes into contact with a server connected online.


Which is safer? Hot or cold wallets?

Cold wallets are more secure than hot wallets, but they aren’t as convenient. The safest cold wallet is a hardware wallet because as long as you keep it in a safe and secure place where it cannot be damaged or destroyed; you won’t lose your Bitcoins because there is no way a hacker can get hold of your private keys. The only risk is if the wallet is lost, stolen, or damaged.

A way to get around lost, damaged, or destroyed hardware wallets is to make a reliable backup copy or clone of it.

The least secure option is an online hot wallet because it’s vulnerable to cyber-attacks by hackers. Private keys in a hot wallet can also go missing if the Bitcoin exchange facility has a software glitch or its system is corrupted.

Most serious Bitcoin investors use a combination of hot and cold wallets. Some of their digital funds are loaded onto a hot wallet which can be accessed instantaneously, and the bulk is loaded onto a cold wallet which is the most secure way to store Bitcoins.


Different types of Bitcoin wallets – And the Best

Luno Bitcoin Wallet Different types of Bitcoin wallets


You have various options for storing your Bitcoin:


Paper wallet

This is a paper document with your private keys recorded on it. It’s printed using an online tool with an offline printer. The paper wallet usually has a QR code embedded in it so it can easily be scanned and signed to make a transaction.

The problem with a paper wallet is you can’t access your digital funds if it’s stolen, damaged or destroyed. It’s recommended you make copies of your paper wallet and keep them in safe keeping.


Hardware wallet

 A hardware wallet uses a mobile device that is specially designed to hold private and public keys. It looks like a USB flash stick that you insert into your computer or mobile device, you connect to the Internet when you want to do a transaction. A hardware wallet comes with a desktop app that stores the private keys offline.

You must store your hardware wallet in a safe place. All your valuable information on your private keys is stored on the device and if the device is lost or destroyed, you won’t be able to access your digital funds.


Desktop wallets

A desktop wallet is software downloaded on your PC or laptop and hosted in the cloud. In other words, it’s a hot wallet. Cloud-based wallets are more user-friendly and convenient, but it means a third party has control of your private keys. Software systems are susceptible to cyber hacking and theft.


Mobile wallets

Mobile wallets are available as apps for Smartphones. They are useful if you want to use your Bitcoin to buy products online. Most Bitcoin wallets are designed to be mobile-friendly.


Software wallets

 Software wallets are similar to hardware wallets but are a lot more complex. Basically, an offline software wallet splits a wallet into two accessible platforms; one contains the private keys, and one contains the public keys.


What is a Bitcoin wallet address?

A Bitcoin address identifies the source or destination of a Bitcoin payment. If you want to send Bitcoins to someone, you send them from your Bitcoin address to the other person’s Bitcoin address. It’s recommended by the Bitcoin experts that you generate a new Bitcoin address per transaction as a security measure.

To give instructions to buy or sell Bitcoin, the wallet software automatically generates a unique Bitcoin address for you.

At the same time, you are allocated a unique password known as a private key. Like any banking password, it’s highly confidential and mustn’t be shared with anyone. It’s recommended that you keep your private key details filed separately. This is so hackers can never get their hands on your private key.


There are currently 3 address formats in use for Bitcoin wallets:

P2PKH starts with the number 1. Example 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2

P2SH starts with the number 3: Example 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy

Bech32 starts with bc. Example bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq


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Public key versus private key

Bitcoin is built on cryptology which is a system of encryption that uses a combination of public keys and private keys to access the blockchain. Public keys are identifiable; they are known to the public and are used to identify the user. Private keys are secret numbers that only you know and are used for authentication and encryption.


A Bitcoin wallet address contains three important pieces of information.

  • the address (long string of letters and numbers),
  • the balance associated with the address, and
  • the corresponding public and private keys.


A private key is the first thing that is generated for a Bitcoin address and the public key is derived from the private key using a known algorithm. The Bitcoin wallet address you use for digital currency transactions is a shorter version of the public key.


What is the public key?

The public key is required to receive Bitcoins. It’s not the same as the private key but they are related mathematically. A Bitcoin wallet address is a hashed version of your public key.

Without getting too technical, every secret key is 256 bits long and the final hash – wallet address – is 160 bits long. The public key is derived from the private key, but no one can work out the entire private key because the latter is generated using reverse mathematics. It would take the world’s most powerful supercomputer a few trillion years to work it out.


What is a private key?

The private key is required to spend Bitcoin. It’s what grants a user ownership of cryptocurrency funds at a given address. When you send Bitcoin from a Bitcoin wallet, the software links the transaction to a private key without disclosing what it is. This provides proof to the blockchain network that you have the authority to transfer the digital funds from the address you are using.

Your Bitcoin wallet will have one or more private keys which are saved in a wallet file. You never personally handle a private key; instead, you are given a seed phrase that encodes the same information as the private key.


Example of a private key:

E9873D79C6D87DC0FB6A5778633389 _SAMPLE_PRIVATE_KEY_DO_ NOT_IMPORT_F4453213303DA61F20B D67FC233AA33262


What is a seed phrase?

A seed phrase is short for a seed recovery phrase or backup seed phrase. It’s a list of words that store the information needed to recover a Bitcoin wallet in the event a user’s desktop is corrupted or a Smartphone is stolen.

Wallet software prompts you to write down the seed phrase on paper and file it somewhere safe. If and when you need to recover your Bitcoin wallet, you download the same wallet software and use the seed phrase to get your Bitcoins back.

If someone gets their hands on your seed phrase, they can steal your Bitcoins. So be careful; treat your seed phrase like you would expensive jewelry and keep it locked in a safe.


Public key versus private key


How to open a Luno Wallet/Account – Step-by-Step Guide

You can get a Bitcoin wallet from an exchange facility such as Luno in 3 easy steps:


1. Sign up

Sign up for a free Luno Wallet using the Internet or your Smartphone. Follow the easy instructions to set up your Bitcoin wallet profile. Request a Bitcoin address; the Luno Wallet software is automatically on for you.


How to get a LUNO Bitcoin wallet step 1


2. Email Verification

You will need to click on your email verification


How to get a LUNO Bitcoin wallet step 2


3. Deposit money

Choose your preferred method of payment for fiat money (US, Euro, Pound Sterling, or Rand). This will be an electronic bank transfer or credit card payment. Transfer money to your Luno Wallet.


How to get a LUNO Bitcoin wallet step 3


4. Buy Bitcoin

Buy and sell Bitcoin and store it in your Luno Wallet. Choose your preference; a hot or cold wallet.


How to get a LUNO Bitcoin wallet step 4


How to log into your Luno Bitcoin Wallet?

To log into your Luno Bitcoin Wallet, you need a:

  • wallet ID
  • unique password
  • 2-factor authentication (2FA)


A wallet ID is a string of random letters and numbers that acts as a username. It looks similar to your Bitcoin address, but it is not the same; you cannot buy or send digital currency with a wallet ID. Find your Wallet ID in the General section of your Settings menu.

Think of the private key as being the credit card and the password is the PIN. To set up a log-in password for your Bitcoin wallet; select ‘Settings’ and ‘Encrypt wallet’. You’ll be prompted to enter a unique password. Keep your password secret and written down and kept in a safe place. If you forget your wallet password, you can’t log into your Bitcoin wallet. It is the most recommended wallet in South AfricaThe Luno Bitcoin Wallet 

Two-factor authentication means simply setting up your Bitcoin wallet to check two forms of identity instead of one. There are 3 ways to authenticate yourself with 2FA.

  • with something you know like a password or PIN
  • with something you have or own like a USB key or debit card number
  • with something, you are like a fingerprint, retinal scan, or personal signature


How to send Bitcoins to another wallet?

  • Login into your Bitcoin wallet; choose the wallet you want if you have multiple wallets
  • Select ‘Send’
  • Select Bitcoin from the currency drop-down menu
  • Select ‘To’ and paste the recipient’s address or scan the recipient’s QR code
  • Enter the amount you want to send
  • Select ‘Regular’ or ‘Priority fee’ from the transaction fee drop-down menu
  • Select ‘Continue’ to review the details of your transaction
  • If you are satisfied the information is correct; select ‘Send Bitcoin’
  • Modify a transaction by selecting ‘X’ in the upper-right corner to close the window; select ‘Go Back’ to return to the previous step
  • Only select ‘Send Bitcoin’ when you have checked the transaction details, and everything is correct.


How to receive Bitcoins in your wallet?

You can receive digital currency by providing the sender with one of the following:

  • Your Bitcoin wallet address
  • a QR code


If you receive digital currency from another Luno Wallet, the sender can send it to your email address or phone number. This option is instant and free.


How to get a QR code?

Open the Luno app and sign into your Bitcoin Wallet.

Select Receive

A QR code is automatically generated by the wallet software


How to receive Ethereum in a Bitcoin wallet?

How to receive Ethereum in a Bitcoin wallet?


You need an Ethereum wallet to buy, send, and store Ether (ETH); and you need a Bitcoin wallet to buy, sell and store Bitcoin. The different digital currencies are incompatible with each address. If you send Ether to a Bitcoin wallet, your digital currency will disappear and the same applies if you send Bitcoin to an Ethereum wallet.


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How much does it cost to use a Bitcoin wallet?


Transaction fees

A Bitcoin exchange facility such as Luno doesn’t charge its customers a fee to send and receive Bitcoins from one customer’s wallet to another customer’s wallet. In other words, a transaction between one Luno Wallet to another Luno Wallet is free and there is no transaction fee. The transaction takes place instantly and there are no delays for confirmation.

A transaction fee is charged when you send or receive money to/from another exchange facility. There would be a fee if you sent digital currency from a Luno Wallet to a CoinMama Wallet. A fee is charged on any customer transaction if the service provider incurs a fee from the other Bitcoin exchange facility.

The transaction fee covers miner fees, storage, and the cost of the service. The fee rate is dynamic because it all depends on blockchain congestion. The faster you need the transaction to happen, the higher the fee will be.


Withdrawing and depositing funds into a Bitcoin wallet

A small administrative fee is charged by the Bitcoin exchange facility to withdraw and deposit local currency into a wallet. Check the latest fees on the website.


How safe are Bitcoin wallets?


There are different Bitcoin wallets and different degrees of safety. It all depends on what type of Bitcoin wallet you use and the service provider. You have a choice of desktop, mobile, online, paper, hardware, or software wallets.

A Bitcoin wallet that is linked to the Internet is regarded as less safe because of the risk of a cyber-attack by hackers. These wallets are called hot wallets and may be any device that stays connected to the Internet.

Offline wallets or cold wallets as they are called are not connected to the Internet and therefore not vulnerable to being hacked. They also don’t rely on a third party for security, such as the service provider through which you set up your Bitcoin wallet.

The most important thing to remember is if you lose, damage, or destroy your private keys; you will lose your digital funds. If you have opted for a non-custodial wallet, it is entirely your responsibility to safeguard your private keys because they are the only means of accessing your digital funds.


Tips for keeping your Bitcoins safe

Use a combination of hot and cold wallets; have a small amount of digital funds on a hot wallet for fast and convenient transactions but the bulk of your digital funds should be kept in cold storage (offline).

Keep your wallet software up to date so that you benefit from the latest security enhancements. Also regularly update the software on your computer or mobile so your security settings are up to date.

Use a service provider such as Luno that has an established reputation for safety and provides extra authentication and verification layers.

Keep your private keys and password secret and stored in a safe place. Make backup copies of your Bitcoin wallet files because if your private keys are lost, damaged or destroyed; you lose your digital funds.



The Luno Bitcoin Wallet provides an intuitive interface for the purchasing, sales, and storage of cryptocurrencies and it is easy to see why this makes them a useful tool for both novice and advanced users.

However, its very high level of security, its reasonably priced services, and its presence in over forty countries including South Africa, are all factors that contribute to its popularity in the developing countries.

All these, accompanied by the instant buy/sell features, simple mobile applications, and regulatory compliance, help in making cryptocurrency trading with Luno both safe and effective.

On the other hand, some of the emerging issues such as transaction fees, should always be kept into consideration by the users, and proper cautions practiced to secure the wallet.


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Frequently Asked Questions


Can traders in South Africa open a Luno Bitcoin wallet?

Luno has made investing in crypto simple for millions of traders around the world, including those in South Africa who want to open a Luno Bitcoin wallet.


How safe is a Luno Bitcoin wallet?

Your wallet will be kept safe by Luno, but the responsibility of protecting your Luno Bitcoin wallet from intruders is entirely up to you. Luno created best practices that should be followed to help keep your wallet safe e.g. – password tips, two-factor authentication, biometrics and Touch ID/Face ID, API Keys, device(s) in use can be seen, advice on e-mail protection, etc…


What is the minimum deposit that can be made in a Luno Bitcoin wallet?

The minimum deposit is $10 / R166 ZAR at the current exchange rate at the time of writing.


Are there any fees for making deposits in a Luno wallet?

Yes, the following fees in South African Rand / ZAR apply – R20 + 5% for Cash deposits, EFTs are free of charge, and a fee of 1.40% is charged for Instant EFT’s.


How much are crypto buy and sell fees?

The following fees apply when you buy crypto with funds from your ZAR account – 2% when using Luno Wallet/Instant buy and 2% when you sell using the Luno Wallet/Instant sell.

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