

Alphamin Resources Corp


Background of Alphamin Resources Corp

  • Alphamin Resources Corp. is listed, as an equity issuer in the nonferrous metals industry, on the JSE Alternative Exchange, or AltX, which is a platform for well established companies that are not quite big enough to be listed on the JSE Main Board as of yet, to get exposure to the market. Alphamin was founded in 1981 and has its headquarters in Mauritius. The company holds an 80.75% interest in Alphamin Bisie Mining SA (ABM) as its principal investment. ABM owns the world class Bisie tin project in the North Kivu province of Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Alphamin Resources Corp Share Growth Driver

  • The Bisie tin project at Mpama North will be the only world class tin producer outside of China and Indonesia. The Bisie project holds one of the world’s highest grade tin deposits, which boasts 19 600 tonnes of tin in measured resources, 188 400 tonnes of indicated tin and 22 800 tonnes tin of inferred mineral resources of up to 4.7% tin with a cut-off grade of 0.5%. The tin deposit does not contain a lot of contaminants and from a metallurgical perspective, it will be fairly easy to separate the tin from the host rock. This will effectively mean that the Bisie tin project will be the only tin producer in the world that extracts tin for less than its market value, at the low price of R125 994 per tonne of tin.

  • Once mining commences towards the end of 2019, estimates indicate that the mine will repay all of the exploration and development costs in an incredible 17 month period, yielding profits of up to R157 million per annum.

  • Alphamin has already had a positive impact on economic and social aspects in the post conflict North Kivu province of the DRC. During the construction phase ABM has employed 700 locals and the company predicts that it will be able to supply at least 450 locals with work while the mine is in production. The DRC government supports Alphamin in its drive to make the Bisie tin project one of the world’s largest and most lucrative tin producers, because ABM committed to spend 4% of its in- country operating and administrative expenses on community development.

Alphamin Resources Corp Group Investor Tip

  • Tin is a metal that has uses in the electronics, motor vehicle and industrial industries. It is used in cars, cell phones, computers and a whole lot of other applications. For the foreseeable future, tin will be a sought after mineral resource.

  • The Bisie tin mine will be producing tin from the world’s highest grade tin known tin deposit at relatively low operational costs. Coupled with the decrease in global tin availability, the foreseen start of production at the Bisie mine site in 2019 couldn’t come at a better time. With the odds stacked in their favour, Alphamin Resources Corp. has the capacity to become the next world leader in tin production!

  • Sector

    Equity Issuer

  • Industry

    Mineral Resources

  • Sub industry


How to buy 4SIGHT Group Shares


    We have made it simple to buy JSE listed firm shares online. The easiest way to buy ALPHAMIN RESOURCES CORP shares or stocks is to; start by submitting the ‘BUY THIS SHARE’ form. Next, one of our experienced and certified stock brokers will personally get in contact with you to discuss your custom stock request. Finally, a stock advisor will confirm the amount of shares you are looking to invest in ALPHAMIN RESOURCES CORP and assist you with the setup and management of your stock portfolio account.

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    1. Start by Filling in the BUY THIS SHARE form.
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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Alphamin Resources?

A low-cost tin concentrate producer from its high-grade deposit in Mpama North.  Additional exploration licences cover 1,270km2 in the North Kivu Province of the DRC.

Can you buy Alphamin Resources Shares Online?

SA Shares website has made it simple to buy JSE listed firm shares online.

Is Alphamin Resources a good share to buy?

View the Alphamin Resources Group Investor Tip here

When did Alphamin Resources list on the JSE?

15 December 2015

When was Alphamin Resources founded?


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